Thursday, May 18, 2023

Spillway Discharge


Compute the discharge over an ogee weir with a coefficient of discharge equal to 2.4 and a head of 2 m. The length of the spillway is 100 m. The Weir crest is 8 m above the bottom of the approach channel having the same width as that of the spillway. (7 mark) 

Answer :


The Siphon spillway of the rectangular cross-section had the following dimensions at its throat. Height of throat = 1.5 m. Width of throat = 4 m. At the design flow, the tailwater elevation is 7 m below the summit of the siphon, and the headwater elevation is 2 m above the summit. Taking the coefficient of discharge as 0.6, determine the discharge capacity of the siphon. Also, determine the head that would be required on an ogee spillway 3.8 m long to discharge this flow if the coefficient of discharge is 2.25. (7 mark)

Answer :


A siphon spillway had the following cross-section at its throat. Height of the throat = 1.5 m. Width of throat = 4 m. At the design flow, the tail water elevation is 2 m above the summit.
i.   Taking a coefficient of discharge as 0.6, determine the capacity of the siphon.
ii. Determine the head that would be required on an ogee spillway 3.8 m long to discharge this flow, if coefficient of discharge is 2.25.
iii. What length of the ogee weir would be required to discharge the same flow with a head of 2.2 m on the crest? (7 mark)

Answer :


A saddle siphon spillway has the following data. Full reservoir level = 485 m, Level of the center of siphon outlet = 479.6 m, Highest flood level = 485.9 m, Highest flood discharge = 570 cumecs. If the dimensions of the throat of the siphon are: width = 4.2 m and height = 1.9 m, determine the number of siphon units required to pass the flood safely. The siphon is to discharge freely in the air. Assume the coefficient of discharge = 0.65. (6 mark)

Answer :

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Chute Spillway Discharge