Hydraulic Structure and Water Power Engineering

Ujani Dam
Hydraulic Structure and Water Power Engineering  
Course Outcomes:

After successful completion of the course, students will be able to
1. Plan and design the reservoirs depending on the water resources' potential.
2. Analyze and design Gravity and Earth dams (Simple Designs).
3. Elaborate on the design principles of Arch dams.
4. Carry out Hydraulic Design of spillways
5. Select an appropriate method of river training depending on river characteristics
6. Estimate water power potential at a site.

Dams – Necessity, types of dams, selection of the site for dams, selection of type of dam, Introduction to dam instrumentation
Planning of Reservoirs: Storage calculations, Control levels, silting of reservoirs, reservoir sedimentation surveys, reservoir losses. Use of remote sensing for reservoir sedimentation surveys.

Unit 2: Gravity and Arch Dams (8)
Gravity Dams - Forces acting on the dam, design criteria, theoretical and practical profile, high and low dam, stability calculations, materials and methods of Construction, Galleries, joints, Dam Instrumentation, Computer Application for Design of Dam. Decommissioning of dams
Arch Dams – Types, Layout of Constant angle and Constant radius arch dam, Forces acting on arch dams.

Unit 3: Earth Dams (5)
Earth Dams: Components and their functions, Design Criteria; Seepage through and below earth dam, Application of Slip circle method, Inverted Filters, Downstream Drainage, relief
wells, Construction of earth dam.

Unit 4: Spillways and Outlets through Dams (5)
Spillways: Necessity and different types, factors affecting the choice and type of spillway, elementary hydraulic design, jump height and tailwater rating curve, energy dissipation below the spillway, and gates for the spillway. Spillway operations for different discharge values.
Outlets through Dams: types and energy dissipation in outlets transition

Unit 5: Weirs on Permeable Foundations (6)
Weirs on Permeable Foundations: Theories of seepage, Bligh’s creep theory, Khosla’s theory of exit gradient, Piping, and undercutting, Concept of flow net, etc. Kolhapur-type weirs- working principles, suitability, and construction.

Unit 6: Canals and Canal Structures (6)
Canals: Types, Alignment, Design – Kennedy’s and Lacey’s Silt theories, Canal losses, Typical canal sections, canal lining – Necessity and types, Economics of canal lining.
Canal Structures (Introduction): Cross drainage works and canal regulatory works - Aqueduct, Culvert, Super passage, Level Crossing, Cross and Head regulator, Canal Siphon, Canal Escape, canal fall, and canal outlets.

Unit 7: River Training Works ad Water Logging (5)
River and River Training Works: Types of rivers, Meandering phenomenon, Types of river training works, river navigation.
Water Logging and Drainage: Causes, effects, preventive and curative measures, alkaline soils, soil efflorescence, drainage arrangements.

Unit 8: Hydropower Engineering (5)
Elements of Hydropower Engineering: Power crisis, competing uses of water, and the need to harness solar energy. Types of water power plants, small hydropower plants, layout and components of each type, intake, Conveyance system, Surge tanks, Powerhouse types, components and layout, tail race. Managing power demand using various sources of power.



Unit-III Earthen Dam

Unit-IV: Spillway

Unit-V: Weirs On Permeable Foundation

Unit-VI : Canal Irrigation

Unit-VII River and River Training Work

Unit-VIII: Hydro-power Engineering

                                       CO PO Question Bank

ISE Assignments



Problem 1: 

The amounts of water flowing from a certain catchment area at the proposed dam site are tabulated as follows. Determine: 
  • The minimum capacity of the reservoir if the water is to be used to feed the turbines of the hydropower plant at a uniform rate and no water is to be spilled over.
  • The initial storage required to maintain the uniform demand as above.

Problem 2: 

As impounding reservoir had an original storage capacity of 738 ha-m. The drainage area of the reservoir is 80 sq. km. from which, annual sediment discharges into the reservoir at the rate of 0.1153 ha-m per sq. km. of the drainage area. Assuming the trap efficiency as 80 percent, find the annual capacity loss of the reservoir in percent per year.

Problem 3: 

Figure (1) shows the section of a gravity dam (non-overflow portion)

 built of concrete. Calculate (neglecting earthquake effects). (13 mark)       Dec 2016

i. The maximum vertical stresses at the toe and heel of the dam

ii. The major principal stresses at the toe of the dam

iii. Intensity of shear stress on a horizontal plane near the toe

Assume the unit weight of concrete = 23.5 kN/m2.

Allowable compressive stress in concrete = 2500 kN/m2.

Allowable shear stress in concrete = 420 kN/m2.

Assume that reservoir is full of water up to M.W.L.


A flow net was constructed for a homogeneous earth dam 52 m high and 2 m freeboard, and the following results were obtained. The number of potential drops = 25, Number of flow channels = 4. The dam has a horizontal filter of 40 m in length at its downstream end. Calculate the seepage discharge per meter length of the dam. Assume the dam material's permeability coefficient as 3x10^-3 cm/sec. (7 mark)


In order to find the factor of safety of downstream, slope during steady seepage, the section of the dam was drawn to scale 1 cm = 4 m. The following results were obtained on a critical slip circle.

Area of N-rectangle = 14.4 sqcm

Area of T-rectangle = 6.4 sqcm

Area of U-rectangle = 4.9 sqcm

Length of arc = 12.6 cm 

Laboratory tests have furnished values 260 for the effective angle of friction and 19.5 kN/m2 for cohesion, with a unit weight of soil = 19 kN/m3. Determine the factor of safety of the slope.            (7 mark) 


Compute the discharge over an ogee weir with a coefficient of discharge equal to 2.4 and a head of 2 m. The length of the spillway is 100 m. The Weir crest is 8 m above the bottom of the approach channel having the same width as that of the spillway. (7 mark) 


The Siphon spillway of the rectangular cross-section had the following dimensions at its throat. Height of throat = 1.5 m. Width of throat = 4 m. At the design flow, the tailwater elevation is 7 m below the summit of the siphon, and the headwater elevation is 2 m above the summit. Taking the coefficient of discharge as 0.6, determine the discharge capacity of the siphon. Also, determine the head that would be required on an ogee spillway 3.8 m long to discharge this flow if the coefficient of discharge is 2.25. (7 mark)


A siphon spillway had the following cross-section at its throat. Height of the throat = 1.5 m. Width of throat = 4 m. At the design flow, the tailwater elevation is 2 m above the summit.
i.   Taking a coefficient of the discharge as 0.6, determine the capacity of the siphon.
ii. Determine the head that would be required on an ogee spillway 3.8 m long to discharge this flow, if the coefficient of discharge is 2.25.
iii. What length of the ogee weir would be required to discharge the same flow with a head of 2.2 m on the crest? (7 mark)

A saddle siphon spillway has the following data. Full reservoir level = 485 m, Level of the center of siphon outlet = 479.6 m, Highest flood level = 485.9 m, Highest flood discharge = 570 cumecs. If the dimensions of the throat of the siphon are: width = 4.2 m and height = 1.9 m, determine the number of siphon units required to pass the flood safely. The siphon is to discharge freely in the air. Assume the coefficient of discharge = 0.65. (6 mark)


Three generators each of capacity 9000 KW have been installed at a power station. During a certain period of load, the load on the plant varies from 14000 KW to 24000 KW. Determine: (6 mark)          Dec 2018

1. Total installed capacity

2. Load factor

3. Plant factor

4. Utilization factor


A runoff river plant is installed on a river having a minimum flow of 15 cumecs. The head available at the plant is 16 m and the plant efficiency may be assumed as 80%. If the plant is used as a peak load plant operating for 6 hours daily, compute the firm capacity of the plant: (6 mark) May 2018
i.  Without pondage
ii. With pondage but allowing 8% of water to be lost in evaporation and other losses


Determine the discharge over a Chute spillway with ‘Ogee Crest’ using the following data: The length of the spillway is 250 m, Height of the spillway crest in front of at upstream approach channels is 10 m. The width of the approach channel is 250 m and the depth of water over the spillway crest is 5 m.

Referred Textbooks
1. Irrigation Engineering – S. K. Garg, Khanna Pub. Delhi
2. Irrigation and Water Power Engineering - Priyani, Charoter Pub. House, Anand
3. Irrigation and Water Power Engineering – Punmia, B. C.
4. Irrigation – Bharat Singh, NEW CHAND & bros. Roorkee
5. Irrigation Engineering Vol. I – Varshhey and Gupta
6. Engineering Hydrology - K. Subramanya
7. Design of Canals – Circular of Government of Maharashtra, 18 February 1995
8. Irrigation Water Power & Water Resource Engineering, Arora, Standard Publishers
                          Referred Reference Books:

1. Design of Small Dam – U. S. B. R., OXFORD & IBH pub. co.
2. Engineering for Dam Vol. I, II, III – Justinn, Creager, and Hinds
3. Design of Hydraulic Structures Vol. I & II – Leliavsky
4. River Behaviour, Management, and Training - CBIP Publication


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